prenatal class


FAQ #1 - Why should I take a prenatal class? We get this question a lot!

Did you know there’s research that looks at birth outcomes of people who take a prenatal class compared to those who don’t?

In 2016 in Australia, a study was done where parents were randomly assigned to either class A (a standard class which focused on stages of labour and when to go into the hospital) or class B (a comprehensive class that focused on 6 main non-pharmacological comfort measures). The study was mainly investigating the relationship between childbirth education and epidural use, but they found a number of other interesting findings. The study found that students who took the class that focused on non-pharmacological comfort measures had:

  • lower rate of epidural use (24% vs 69%)

  • lower rate of pitocin augmentation

  • lower rate of cesarean section

  • shorter second stage (pushing phase) of labour on average

  • fewer cases of perineal trauma

  • fewer cases of newborn requiring resuscitation

This is the first randomized control study of its kind, and more research is still needed, but these findings show significant potential for benefit from taking the right childbirth class.

In our birth empowerment class, we cover standard content such as stages of labour and when to consider heading into the hospital (if you’re planning a hospital birth), but we also cover benefits and risks of various interventions, 12 non-pharmacological comfort measures, as well as an introduction to postpartum, breastfeeding, and newborn care!

If you’re expecting your first baby and wanting to approach your birthing experience with positivity and power, this class is for you! If you have birthed before, but felt unheard or unsupported, and are wanting to reclaim your birthing power, this class is for you! If you want to give your pregnant partner strong and knowledgeable support throughout pregnancy, labour, and postpartum, this class is for you!

Did you take a prenatal class? Why or why not?